Journal 7 creation and steward ship

God creation cause a cycle to balance the eco system in our world. How ever we should not be depend on it to make us grow since we also need to take care of itSo it still can help us. We should be like stewards as we will have peace among countries. You can also by doing the smallest things for gods creation. Dear god i hope you watch over us like how we did to your creation. Amen.

Gospel reading.

Gospel reading is reading about specific the moments or memory after jesus was born or when mary and joseph gave his name. And sometimes before it took place. The gospel reading when jesus was born taught me that jesus represented hope and peace until now. I can apply this by spreading the words and kindness acts of Jesus to all humans. Dear god thank you for all the good things you done for us in this world and thank you jesus for representing hope for almost all the countries in the world amen.